Sveriges Radio

UX Designer Full-time • 2017 - 2018
Design System • GV Sprint • Research • User Testing • Prototyping • Content Discovery

Home page with news clip from Ekot.


Sveriges Radio is a Swedish public service radio broadcaster. Sveriges Radio's mission is to provide high-quality, independent, and impartial news, information, and entertainment to the Swedish people.


With 10,000+ hours of content produced each year, much gets buried down, never finding its way to consumers. How might Sveriges Radio surface relevant content to each listener in the app?


  • Continues discovery, exploration and testing on how search could be designed to present relevant content.
  • Worked with the Ekot journalists and producers to introduce news snippets that could be delivered to consumers based on interests and time of day.
  • Worked with producers on improving metadata quality, enabling content to surface at the right places for consumers.
  • Introduced new design methods to cut development times.
  • Introduced Design System thinking and the use of Abstract.
  • Initiated a collaboration with branding to increase the consistency across digital products and content assets.
  • Took part in several collaborations Sveriges Radio did with other brands, for example design of the Sveriges Radio app for Volvo.

Bite-sized news; Piloting a deeper listening experience

Ekot news recordings were previously recorded as one sound file. The one sound file limited us in combining different news with other content, like documentaries and long-form interviews.

By working with Ekot, slightly reshaping their script writing, we could cut the news recordings into small snippets. News snippets enabled us to group related topics from different radio stations within Sveriges Radio. This led consumers to find new content and increased the listening time.



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